Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Managing Business

S-260 Interagency Business Management class is taught by Carol Glassburn. Carol has been an instructor with the academy since its beginning seven years ago. She's retired Forest Service and has been serving in the fire arena for over 25 years. Carol likes to make her class fun and intersting with stories of her experiances in the fire fighting and incident business management.

The Fire Camp Non Denominational Chapel Service was held Sunday evening. Music was lead by Christian Artist, Justin Anger and his band, followed by a message from servie leader Rick Barton. Attendees recieved movies and music CDs along with the Fire Fighter New Testiment Bible.

S-130/190 students have survived their first couple of days! One of their lessons Monday was the importance of knowing and monitoring the weather. Do YOU remember being in their position? What advice can you give them?

FAST FACT - Each year the Academy brings between $800,000 to $1 million in revenue to the local economy!

Have you purchased your banquet tickets yet? While you are visiting the vendors, stop by CHeck-in to buy your banquet tickets - $20 per person. Your tickets include entry to win great door prizes!